Information is powerful. It’s like a drug which if taken properly, tend to produce desirable results. On the other hand, it could result to intolerable if not irreversible effects, if inappropriately taken. Likewise advice. The information we get in the form of advice especially for our relationships could cause changes which if not controlled, can take the relationship off course.

Everyone needs advice in different aspects of life. Be it in our careers, relationships, businesses and other sectors in life. This is resulting to the fact that we can’t do all alone. Even if we feel capable, we are bound to seek for help or counsel sometime later. But how well we know what advice is useful or not, becomes very tricky. This article explains both the benefits and  drawbacks of using advice in relationships.

Any relationship is one which involve information sharing. Information which could be very peculiar and unique to us and our partner. In other words, we feel more comfortable sharing the most detailed information and secrets about ourselves and try to keep that as private and protected as much as possible.This is why every relationship has a unique identity, one best known to those involved and can’t be compared to another. And so, we have an obligation of trying to find a line between what information we allow to leave our relationship and what we add from external sources.

Below are some of the pros and cons of getting advice for your relationships;


  1. Prevents you from engaging yourself in bad decision-making.
  2. You become more exposed to useful information.
  3. You feel a sense of support, meaning you feel free to express yourself to confidants such as family, relatives, friends who are willing to be of help any time.
  4. It proves you want to improve the current status of your relationship.


1. It risks changing the identity. 

As earlier mentioned, every relationship is unique with a peculiar identity. So, it’s never always probable to apply any information from an external source’s perception on an issue. This is because what works in a relationship doesn’t necessarily work for another even  though it’s an important piece of information. And so, whenever we apply certain advice in our relationship, we risk taking our relationship completely off course or risk changing its whole identity. For example, a couple suffering  from trust issue may not necessarily be restored by advice from someone who had the same issue with their relationship and worked for them. Instead, it may risk aggravating the problem or change that unique property in your relationship.

2. Potential of unawarely destroying your own relationship . 

Remember, your relationship is replete with intimate information  which you wouldn’t under no circumstances allow it exit your relationship. So, sometimes revealing too much information about your couple in the quest for help,advice for your relationship or even during normal conversation, may tend out weakening it in the process. Sometimes these information could be used against you especially when it gets to the wrong individual. It is for this reason the type of people we surround ourselves with and the ones we take and give out information about our relationships, is very important. Whenever things don’t work out in relationships, either one partner or both need help, not to be exposed. It is therefore imperative to be very cautious and pragmatic in your approach to get advice.

3. Reliability of the ones we give out information to.

How reliable are the ones we give out information about our private life, especially one which is sensible like relationship ?. At times we may get things wrong by failing in our  ability to judge the reliability of the ones we call close or loved ones. And so we end up regretting despite the initial motive of wanting to improve our relationship. Sometimes, in the process of wanting to get advice, we end up revealing too much information, including ones we never expected to. The reliability of the ones we share our information with is vital especially when we want such information be kept secret or not wanting our partners aware of it.

Our motives of wanting to get advice and applying it in our relationships should be ones which we need to control. It’s important to be very cautious in how we run our relationships,as not all information in the form of advice is what we need as well as it’s never necessary giving out too much information.Information is powerful. It’s like a drug which if taken properly, tend to produce desirable results. On the other hand, it could result to intolerable if not irreversible effects, if inappropriately taken. Likewise advice. The information we get in the form of advice especially for our relationships could cause changes which if not controlled, can take the relationship off course.

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